You now wonder what my experiences have been and how they make me a good fit...

You: So tell me about your experience.

Andres: Well, since you did not specified what type of experience you wanted to hear, I will talk about three types of experiences: Life experience, education experience and professional experience.

You: Yes, that’s fine with me.

Andres: I arrived to the U.S when I was 18 years old. I had no support from any family or friends, I only had myself to build a new life in this nation. I worked as a restaurant manager for a few years, that period taught me many things: to manage teams, to assess their emotions and get the best results out of them, to be patient with customers, to get in other people’s shoes, to handle pressure and to be humble. I used this period to save money, because my goal was always to get a proper education in this country, and here we are, I did it! Why am I telling you this life experience which may not seem relevant to this role? Well, I am hoping it tells you a little bit about the grit and determination of the person you are hiring.

You: I agree, it is relevant.

Andres: Turning to my educational background, I pursued business studies at Miami Dade College, where I significantly enhanced my understanding of how to drive business success. Throughout my studies, I developed a comprehensive skill set that spans various critical areas, including administration and marketing.

Andres: Then I moved on to complete a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science at Florida International University. I didn’t choose this degree for the same reasons as most people would, I studied this because I knew it would teach me how to think in a very structural way. I now approach problems and challenges in a very methodic manner while also leveraging my creativity.

You: That’s wonderful. I guess now you will talk about your professional experience

Andres: Yes, of course, I think it’s better for the both of us if I show my work experience in a clean and structured format:

Work Experience
Proven track record in helping businesses succeed, delivering impactful insights and results across industries.
Product Manager
Sep 2022 - Present
Miami, Florida, USA
I led requirements meetings, where I effectively structured and clearly articulated the necessary points, ensuring a smooth progression of project phases. Collaborated with engineering and business teams, while being responsible for delivering clean and effective visual solutions. Designed wireframes and mockups that translated system requirements into highly functional, user-friendly experiences. Identified and effectively solved complex, user-centric problems. I ensured that the application ecosystem adhered to the highest standards, conducting extensive testing to identify and resolve issues, thereby maintaining optimal functionality and user satisfaction.
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Product Designer
May 2022 - Aug 2022
I specialized in conceptualizing innovative digital products, focusing on transforming traditional manual processes into streamlined software ecosystems. I closely collaborated with engineers to understand and integrate technical capabilities with design principles, ensuring the creation of effective digital solutions. My role involved a thorough study of user requirements, allowing me to design intuitive and functional digital environments that not only met but exceeded expectations. My designs prioritized user-friendliness, ensuring that end-users could navigate and utilize the software with ease, thereby enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction.
May 2020 - May 2023
Miami, Florida, USA
As CEO of Cuttinboard, I led a dedicated team comprising two software engineers and one designer to develop a platform that enhances organization and communication within restaurants. We tackled complex challenges to ensure a clean and straightforward user experience, and I utilized various collaboration tools (such as Trello, Notion, Miro, and Figma) to boost our team’s effectiveness and organizational skills, while simultaneously strengthening my project management capabilities. Additionally, I was instrumental in designing the product and mapping the flow of data according to existing backend structures, regularly engaging with software engineers to evaluate the viability of design choices and making strategic pivots as necessary. On the business front, I managed the legal compliance of the corporation, oversaw our marketing channels, and handled other critical operational aspects to drive our startup's success.
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Assistant Manager
Hospitality Capital Partners
Aug 2016 - May 2020
Coral Gables, Florida, USA
During my tenure as a Restaurant Manager, I honed a diverse set of skills that were crucial for effective management and customer satisfaction. My responsibilities included leading and managing teams, which taught me how to assess team dynamics and individual emotions to optimize performance. I developed a deep understanding of the importance of empathy, allowing me to put myself in others' shoes—be it team members or customers—ensuring a harmonious and understanding environment. Handling the frequent pressures of the restaurant industry, I learned to maintain patience and composure, addressing challenges promptly and efficiently. This role also instilled in me a sense of humility, as I navigated the complexities of management and customer service, striving always to meet the high standards expected in the hospitality sector.
Projects I have built that show my skills and capabilities.
The ultimate productivity system.
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A complete, detailed help center for Cuttinboard.
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Visual Essay
A visual essay showing my ability to communicate an idea in audiovisual format.
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Marketing Video
A beautiful marketing video for Cuttinboard.
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I am bilingual professional, my proficiency in both English and Spanish allow me to study and understand a bigger segment of your customer base and to have better contextual and cultural information when making decisions.
Native or bilingual proficiency
Native proficiency

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