We sit down at a table in a coffee shop, having previously agreed to meet here to see if I am a good fit for your team...

You: So, what are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

Andres: I love to play tennis, it helps me maintain a good mental and physical health. I also have a piano in my office that I am figuring out how to play. I love watching good drama movies or series and spend time with my loved ones. From time to time I document the world around me in black and white. Here! I can show you some of my photographs.

I open the gallery on my phone and show you some stills I took…

You: Those pictures are super interesting! Tell me, what motivates you to come to work every day?

Andres: I genuinely think the world currently has many areas that need optimization in terms on how we handle and do things here on Earth. A lot of processes could be optimized through software, and I get delighted when I realize I am contributing to such a mission. Whether it’s a small internal tool that will make a company process a bit faster or a software that will revolutionize civilization as we know it, knowing that I am helping make the world more optimized keeps me going.

You: What sets you apart from a Product Design perspective?

Andres: I think the fact that I studied computer science. I am usually more collaborative and have a good synergy with the development team. I usually design solutions that are very achievable for the development team, I don’t usually diverge into ambitious UI/UX solutions that are just not realistic and too centered in the visual design while forgetting about the functionality.

You: What would you say is your greatest strength from a professional standpoint?

Andres: Definitely my communication. I have been told I am great at communicating the essential points in very few sentences and I write amazing emails as well. If I had to choose a second one it would be Creativity, I am just a very creative person across the board, and that trait translates beautifully into the professional world when coming up with solutions. Look, let me show you something that can support that claim.

I grab my phone and show you a film I made a few years ago…

You: Loved it! Why would I hire you over other candidates?

Andres: Because I have been in your position before, I know exactly what you are looking for. You are not looking for a brilliant genius that is hard to work with. You are looking for a trustworthy, friendly, easy-going, collaborative, communicative candidate that is very capable and has a lot of room to grow within you company, and that’s exactly what I am. I will be honest, when I join your team, I won’t have all the answers right away, but I sure am willing to learn whatever needs to be learnt. What I can promise you is that working with me is a blast! And don’t take my word for it, here, I can show you 2 letters of recommendation from my latest job. I worked for the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine at Florida International University on bringing to life a software ecosystem that helps users improve their overall health, here I had the pleasure to be supervised by Dr. Brown and Dr. Stefano. I left a lasting impression on them and they were kind enough to write letters of recommendation for me.

I retrieve two documents from my briefcase and put them in front of you…

Letter of Recommendation
Dr. Brown
Letter of Recommendation
Dr. Stefano

let’s work together
